Term 1 Week 10
Dear Parents,
What an eventful term, term one turned out to be! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all families for their co-operation and support in these unprecidented times. I acknowledge the efforts you have made to maintain your child's education under trying circumstances.
I would also, on your behalf acknowledge the time and effort our staff have put in to delivering this new model of remote blended learning.
I am in no doubt we can improve and can assure you we are always looking for new ways to improve and streamline our delivery.
I ask for your patience and constructive feedback as we strive to develop the best possible model of delivery.
Although this will be an extremely different Easter for us all, I urge you not to forget the great sacrifice Jesus made for us by dying on the cross.
We are all making sacrifices at the moment, but none greater than His.
I wish all families a restful and prayerful Easter.
Stay safe!
Tony Boyle
As it stands at the moment Term 2, which commences on Monday April 27th, will be as follows:
- students of parents attending their work place are free to attend school. ALL others are to remain at home
- staff will be rostered to supervise students at school
- teachers will continue to deliver a blended online learning model for both children at home and at school
- teachers will be available to be contacted via email, See Saw and by phone through the school office
NB: If there is any change to this, you will be informed via our Skoolbag App as soon as we have heard anything different.
Work packs for all grades will be available to pick-up from your child's classroom on the first day of Term 2 (Monday April 27th).
Dear Parents,
Well what a couple weeks we have had and how well our Kinders and Parents have been doing with the daily changes.
Zoom meetings have been great to touch base with our students and we played a fun game of ‘I spy’.
Students have been working hard and completing tasks assigned. Miss Robinson and Mrs Wilkinson have been enjoying the creative ways students have been completing their work.
Students have been responding to Scripture tasks with some lovely responses around family and celebration.
In Maths they have been learning the days of the week supported with rich literacy of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have really enjoyed the students learning around the Number Sense activity this week which focused on missing numbers. The Reading from our students has given us a wonderful insight to the strategies we need to
share in order to support them with positive outcomes.
Keep up the good work Kinder Families. We are very proud of what you are all doing!
Here are some really good work from our Kinders and their parents!
Ordering our Numbers
Student / parent talks
Finding words in Books
Dear Parents,
Year One have been enjoying their Zoom sessions on Monday and Friday. I think this is the highlight of the students’ week and the teachers love seeing our students’ beautiful smiling faces! Seesaw has been our main online learning platform where we the teachers have been attaching lessons, activities, templates and videos and Year One have learnt to upload their learning for us to view remotely.
We would like to thank all the wonderful Year One parents/grandparents/carers who have been very supportive and patient during this challenging time. We truly appreciate all your efforts especially as many of you have toddlers at home, or are working from home, while teaching children in various grades. Not to mention the running of a family home!
Keep up the great work Year 1!
Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Monaghan
To the wonderful students and parents of Year 2, WHAT A WEEK! We couldn’t be prouder of the efforts you have all gone to, in order to complete your first week of Home Learning! We know it hasn’t been the easiest of transitions (for us too!) but we are so pleased with the way you have taken on this challenge and continue to amaze and entertain us with your learning achievements each day!
We have ZOOMED into your house each morning, brightened by your smiley funny faces!
The SEE-SAW of challenges has tested your's/our’s (and your parent's) ability to learn, accept and implement new ways of delivering/receiving your education!
We are all riding the (You) Tube wave together, wondering when it will end, but knowing we are all doing our best just to get through each day (or minute!)
Here are some of our Students' work
To the Year 3 students and families from Mr Winning and Mrs Thompson
To all those parents and especially children in Year 3 we would like to say a huge
thank you for the way in which you have adjusted to the on-line learning at
We are all moving at different rates and that’s OK!! It is great to see the
enthusiasm of the students to post their work samples! The quality of the work
which has been posted from home shows the children are taking pride in their
work which is a credit to them and those assisting.
The ZOOM meetings have been a really positive experiences, I think this will be something the students will always remember in future years.
We wish you a safe and happy Easter!
Warm regards,
Fiona & Jason
Dear Parents,
Wow what a week this has been! It will be one that we remember for the rest of our lives. Our blended online learning is all new to us but we need to look at it as something new and exciting to try. We all know it is the best solution for this situation and we can look to the positives of spending quality time with the ones we love and sharing in their learning. We must commend you all on some great achievements so far.
This week has been a new way of learning for everyone. The children have really enjoyed the Zoom Meetings which have been a great way for them to connect with their teacher and classmates. Online they have completed a Daily Journal, a Holy Week slideshow presentation, reading and maths. Keep up the great work kids!
Mrs Hill and Mrs McCarron
Year 4 have been writing responses each day to the novel they are reading. Here is one example from Pania Ackinclose
Write a letter to a character from the text you are reading. Let them know what you like about their character and what you would like them to do next in the story.
Dear George
I like that you are stubborn and that you like to be treated as a boy. You also love dogs and you love doing things outside. I would love for you to convince your dad enough so he will let, you, Julian, Dick and Anne look after each other so you can solve another mystery.
From Pania
Holy week is important to me because it reminds me about God’s sacrifice of his son. Many Christians celebrate Holy week to commemorate the final days of Jesus - in our family it is a time to be together and be grateful for my family.
Easter Sunday by Charli Boyce 4M
On Easter Sunday Mary went to visit the cave where Jesus was buried. When she arrived the cave boulder was removed. Mary was bewildered and she entered the cave. As she entered an angel appeared and told her ‘’don’t be afraid’’. The angel explained that Jesus had risen and asked her to spread the good news. Mary was filled with excitement so she did as the angel asked. Some of the people believed her and others were sceptical.
Dear Parents,
Things are going really well in Year 5 ! Great job everyone! It feels very strange not having a class to teach and we are missing all your smiling faces and your funny stories. Thank goodness we have our 10am Zoom meetings each day!
Dear Parents,
Please support businesses from our school community during these tough times.
Parents if you wish to advertise your business here please send us your logo or card and we will put it in our newsletter.
Dear Parents,