Dear Parents, Priests, Staff and Students,
Last Week many of our Parish children made their First Reconciliaiton. I would ask you to keep these young students in your thoughts and prayers as they continue on their Sacramental Journey. Father Michael is hopeful to have news for those waiting to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist a little later in the year.
Have a great week !!
Tony Boyle
Those families wishing to attend weekend Masses are asked to book in via the Parish Office. Numbers are limited to 50 with extra Masses scheduled at the following times.
Hope to see you there!
Due to the Corona Virus and subsequent shift to blended online learning, the Catholic Schools Office has developed a modified Semester One Report for all students. This report will contain a comment for English, Mathematics and an overall general comment. There will be NO A to E grades or effort grades this semester. All things going to plan, normal reports will be issued for Semester Two. Semester One reports will be sent home on Thursday July 2nd.
All students in Grades 3 to 6 have their own personal devices which are required to come to school fully charged each dayand as such, they will no longer have use of the limited number of school devices when they forget theirs. The school devices will be sanctioned for the use of students in K - 2 only. If a student in Yrs 3 -6 forgets their device they will be without one for the day.
A big thank you to the Sims family (Oscar KR) for donating large recycled mats to the school. We will be able to utilize the mats in a variety of ways from small group activities through to sports carnivals, etc.
You can support the business (Recycled Mats) by visiting them at Unit 2/42 Machiney Drive, Tweed Heads South or call them on 1300320065.
Our photo shows our new school psychologist Gabi working with a group of our Year 6 students getting ready for High School sitting on one of the donated mats.
Captains & Leaders: The Kid’s Call-out
By Charlotte Peterson & Luke Hickling - School Leaders.
Covid-19 has been a struggle for a lot of us. During this time some people had to cross the border to go to school, some people’s parents may have had to work so they couldn’t stay home.
The government has almost got us back into our normal lives and restrictions are being eased...schools and playgrounds are back open. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal soon. The question is... What will our new normal look like? At the moment nobody is really sure.
Being worried is a normal thing now, and it’s ok! If you are concerned about anything, be sure to talk to an adult, a teacher or even our new Student Counsellor, Miss Gabby. Make sure to introduce yourself to Miss Gabby and welcome her to the school. All of these people will assist you as much as they possibly can.
Now that we are allowed to go back across the road and do lots of other things that we weren't allowed to do in lockdown, let’s remember to appreciate what we have and be respectful of others.
Also, never forget what Mr Boyle’s favourite word is... RESPECT!
In English our Kindergarten children have been reading texts that take us places. They have been using their imaginations in their writing and they are taking us to many places. They have been learning to form letters correctly, spell different words and write in happy sentences (making sure each sentence makes sense with a capital and a full stop).
All the teachers are so impressed with their writing, their creativity ans the use of their imagination. We would like to share some of the Kindergarten writing.