Term 4 Week 4
Dear Parents
Welcome to week 4 of the term. The children have settled back into routine and are working well. Just a reminder about uniforms and the need to follow our school policy which is available on our website. The policy requires limited jewellery and conventional hair cuts. As we approach the end of the year just let us know if your child is out of uniform due to not buying items until the beginning of next year.
I thank you for your anticipated cooperation and support of our uniform policy.
The end of the year will see the retirement of Mrs Debbie Teitzel, Mr Michael Martin, and Mrs Rose Wilkins. All have given many years to Catholic Education. We will acknowledge them further towards the end of the term.
Just a reminder that the Junior & Senior football teams need to return their school football jerseys to the office if they have not done so already.
Many thanks
On Thursday 21st October Year 1 participated in a beautiful 'creation' themed Liturgy. The children loved being involved in the setup of our sacred space in the classroom, some drawing pictures and others delicately placing flowers. As singing is still not allowed, the children eagerly joined in the songs with their actions. A wonderful way to celebrate God's creation.
What a way to celebrate Crazy sock day! Our school celebrated in style with mufti and crazy socks plus a day of chalk drawing. The students created a “Pathway of Positivity” with chalk drawings and messages of positivity, hope, and inspiration for all.
It was a great day filled with joy and creativity. We raised $398 for Catholic Missions and our donations will help support Kindergartens in Thailand.
Thank you for your generous donations and support. It was wonderful to see our students create such a vibrant and happy schoolyard. A great day was had by staff and students.