Term 4 Week 2
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another term at St Joseph's. Unfortunately, we are still under level 3 restrictions which means parents and visitors are unable to enter the school.
According to the N.S.W. Government road map out of Covid, level 3 restrictions are due to be eased as of December 1st. Hopefully with the higher than expected levels of vaccination this date may be brought forward.
Given all the disruption and turmoil we have encountered throughout the year, the children have shown great resilience and have settled back into their learning exceptionally well. Once again thank you all for your support and cooperation in these trying times.
Have a great week
5M: Issabella Wood - For demonstrating the essence of Mary MacKillop: when you see a need, do something about it.
4JM: Julia Jobin - Julia interacts, supports, and encourages others in a thoughtful and caring manner, showing a true generosity of spirit
3T: Savanna Abel - For always Making Jesus Real in your words and in your actions to all around you. You are a wonderful role model for St. Joseph’s.
With an easing of restrictions around transition to school, we are now able to conduct our Kinder Orientation program.
This will be conducted over 3 mornings Monday 25th, Wednesday27th, and Friday 29th of October. Children enrolled for kindergarten next year (2022) are to attend ALL 3 mornings from 9-11 am.
Parents are not permitted on school grounds so we are asking you to drop your children off at the gate in Beryl Street where they will be met by school staff. They can be picked up from the same gate at 11 am. We ask parents to please wear masks and socially distance.
The children are to wear casual clothes, bring a hat, a water bottle, and something to eat for morning tea.
As we are unable to hold parent information sessions, we will provide each family with an information sheet outlining bell times, pick up and drop off, lunches, tuck shop, uniforms etc.
Please don't hesitate to call the school on 0755362519 if you have any queries or you seek further information. We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Year three have had a busy start to the term perfecting right angles and making boab trees.