Term 1 Week 4
Yesterday all classes celebrated Ash Wednesday with a liturgy in their classroom, where they received ashes on their foreheads. As Catholics we wear the ashes to remind ourselves that we are not perfect and that Jesus wants us to turn away from sin and follow him.
On Ash Wednesday we celebrate the beginning of the Church's Season of Lent. During the season of Lent we focus on the three central themes of;
Almsgiving (giving to others less fortunate)
In Matthew's Gospel 6:1-6, 16-18 he tells us to show humility and not to boast about our deeds.
"So that your prayers, fasting and alms may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
Last Friday our school celebrated the induction of our new 2021 School Leaders, House Captains and Mini Vinnies representatives. Even though our numbers due to covid were restricted it was lovely to have our leader's families helping us to celebrate. We look forward to seeing these children step up and demonstrate their leadership in various ways. Congratulations to all.
Each year, Bus Safety Week raises awareness for all road users on how to stay safe on and around buses. There is a 40km/h speed limit for traffic passing a school bus that is picking up or setting down school children. The speed limit is for all traffic travelling in the same direction as the bus,whether the bus is stationary or moving. The 40 km/h speed limit must be observed when the rear 'wig-wag' lights on the bus are flashing. Flashing headlights on theses buses also alert oncoming motorists that children are close.
We ask families to talk with their child about:
Waiting until the bus has gone to cross the road safely
Not getting distracted by a mobile device.
What to do if they get on the wrong bus or off at the wrong bus stop.
Mr Boyle our Principal made a visit to Kindergarten for their very first mathematics lesson last week. He read them Eric Carle's story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The children enjoyed learning about the days of the week and some simple counting from a giant caterpillar and Mr Boyle enjoyed his visit.
Children from grades 2-6 attended the Tweed Zone Swimming Carnival in Murwillumbah on Monday. It was great to see so many of our students participating and showing not only great skills in the pool but exceptional sportsmanship. A special congratulations to Keira Everingham, Sienna Gazal and Pippa Cook who were selected in the Lismore Diocesan Team and will now participate in the Diocesan Carnival in Murwillumbah on the 26th February. We wish them all the best.
This week our school held a crazy hat/hair day on Shrove Tuesday to raise money for Project Compassion, our social justice focus for Term 1. Project Compassion supports struggling communities around the world.
Thank you all for participating so enthusiastically. We raised $326.00 for this worthy cause.
Mini Vinnies Team
Attached to this week's newsletter is a copy of the Digital Technologies Acceptable User Agreement which most of you have signed previously and is on file at the school. (N.B. Therefore you do not need to complete again but it maybe worth another read through with your child).
Year 3 children and new families to the school will receive a hard copy of this agreement today via your child. Please sign and return ASAP. Computers will not be given out until this agreement has been returned.
Volunteers are needed to assist Cecilia in the canteen on a Wednesday and Friday.
We are also seeking volunteers to run our School Banking programme on a Tuesday morning.
If you are interested in either of the above positions please contact the school office.
Many Thanks
Keira Everingham our School Captain has personally decided to particpate in the Leukaemia Foundation's Shave for a cure. She is cutting her hair off on the 12th March and is donating her hair to Wigs for Kids. As this is an out of school fundraiser you can donate at their site if you wish.
Congtaulations on your initiative Keira. We look forward to seeing your new shorter haircut.