Enrolment Policy

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In considering enrolments of students at St Joseph‘s School, Tweed Heads, St James’ School and St Joseph‘s College, Banora Point, the following has to be taken into

  • To enter Kindergarten, the child should preferably turn five before 31 December. However, in some circumstances, children may be enrolled if they turn five by 31 July.
  • The first priority will be given to Catholic families and to the siblings; both Catholic and non-Catholic, of those already enrolled in other parish schools.
  • Children of other denominations who support the Catholic ethos of our schools are welcome if places are available.
  • No Catholic child will be refused enrolment at a Parish School because of an inability to pay fees.

Enrolment Procedures

  • An interview with the Principal or suitable delegate will be required when enrolling a student.
  • Enrolment at St Joseph’s School, Tweed Heads, and St James School, Banora Point, does not necessarily guarantee future enrolment at St Joseph‘s College. Application to St Joseph‘s College should be made when the student is in Year 6.

For students of Catholic families and siblings of those already enrolled in other
parish schools the following criteria may apply:

  • The student is an active participant in the life of the faith community of the school/parish.
  • The student has completed or has a commitment to the completion of the Sacramental Program for Reconciliation and Eucharist.
  • The student’s behaviour and participation in school life have been consistent with the stated expectation of the school attended.

For non-Catholic students without siblings enrolled in other parish schools the
following criteria may apply:

Parents wishing to enrol their child for a Catholic Primary School education in Tweed
Heads Parish acknowledge that they may not be able to enrol their child into the Primary
School of their choice.

In order to ensure that enrolments at each school are distributed appropriately, the
Enrolment Placement Committee will determine which school each child will be
enrolled. The Enrolment Placement Committee consists of the three Principals of each of
the Parish Schools and the Parish Priest

When making its decisions, the Committee will consider the following:

1. Enrolment of siblings at one of the Catholic Primary Schools
2. Geographical location
3. Special needs of the child
4. Special needs of the family
5. Spaces available at each Catholic Primary School
6. The ratio of non-Catholics to Catholics in each grade.